Friday, August 29, 2008

This pic is terrible cause I took it with my cellphone during class (pharmacology...ugg!).  On Monday I finally got braces.  Since I was 19 yrs. old my dentists have told me that I need them, not to correct crooked teeth, but to correct my crossbite.  Well I finally took the plunge since I'm at dental school and the students specializing in orthodontics need patients, I got them for half what I would have had to pay at a private practice.  After about 6-8 months they'll see if I'm good to keep going with only ortho or if I'll need surgery on my jaw.  I never realized that braces SUCKED so much!!!  I can't do my favorite hobby...EAT!  My teeth are so tender, I can't even chew a banana because it hurts to much, and the braces are tearing up the inside of my mouth.  But I know it'll be for the better in the long run.